Kevin made a point to me the other day.
The same passionate, anti-pedophilia sentiment I HAVE; is also expressed by heterosexuals toward homosexuality.
I agree... But, Oh contre...
Your Honor, permission to treat the witness as hostile.
The difference is: BAM! A very significant one: I am NOT sexually attracted to children.
Most pedophiles (90% are heterosexual, NOT homosexual); let's dispel that myth!
Now, who's the pervert?
I do NOT, find anything sexually attractive about a child. In any shape, form or fashion. Period.
I HAVE consensual sex with another consenting adult homosexual male, NOT, a child... thank you, very god damn much...
The very concept of and adult engaging in coitus with a child is vile, disgusting, and repulsive to me. It's nauseating.
Would someone please explain to me, what the hell is sexually attractive about a child? Nothing!
You understand me now?
...And homosexuals are considered, sexually deviant.
You know what Kevin, I'm going to let you HAVE it, on this one!
You have a six year old son, whom you related to me how you're training him already concerning sexuality...
You don't allow him to use the public men's bathroom without your presence, and no adult should be touching his genitalia, other than, you and your wife, when you bathe him.
I just had an epiphany...
It's not the homosexual male in the men's bathroom you HAVE to be primarily concerned about, as much as the HETERO-sexual ones.
The pedophile, that has a wife! Is the one you need to focus on!
In his HETERO-sexual perversions! Seeking a child to for sex.
I'm just appalled... And now, females have joined the pedophile band-wagon. It's repugnant. Despicable.
I told Shay last night about that part of our conversation Kevin.
She said it's sad that you HAVE to teach your child at such an early age, and strip him of his childhood innocence.
Due to the pervasive, prevalent sexual deviancy which has escalated to an all-time high in American society, to look out for
Mr. Freaky! Whom, I reiterate, is HETERO-sexual!
Yes, Mr. Freaky-supposedly heterosexual-child mosleter-sexual offender-pervert! Who wants to pull out his thing-a-ma-jigger, and insert in a child's orifi...
...lurking in the men's bathroom, and in the bushes in the park, near the school playground, attempting to molest and rape (defile) your child.
Oh, and his wife Mrs. Freaky... you HAVE to scutinize her, she's also on the "prowl".
I see, I need to rewrite your script... it needs some editing...
I rest my god damn case!
Your Honor, the defense rests!
Now, look what you made me do... I had to unleash both barrels! LOL
This homophobic society in America, and the world, perspective concerning homosexuality is very askew...
Pedophilia and homosexuality are NOT synonymous. Beastiality and homosexuality are NOT equivalent.
Catholics group gays, pedophiles...
Excerpt: There are two topics assaulting the gay community at its roots. Nothing has been said to counter claims by the Vatican equating gay men with pedophiles.The Roman Catholic Church believes that gay men and pedophiles are one in the same. In its evolving mission to deal with the plethora of priest cover-ups from sexual abuse, the Church now plans to prevent gays from entering priesthood. The Vatican says, this solves the pedophilia problem long term.
Facts About Homosexuality and Child Molestation
Excerpt: Pedophilia and child molestation are used in different ways, even by professionals. Pedophilia usually refers to an adult psychological disorder characterized by a preference for prepubescent children as sexual partners; this preference may or may not be acted upon. The term hebephilia is sometimes used to describe adult sexual attractions to adolescents or children who have reached puberty.
Profile Of A Pedophile
Thursday, February 15, 2007
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You sound a little up-set when you wrote this. Tell me how do you really feel? I think you are holding back a little bit.
Hey, I agree with both you and Kevin. You know I have worked for DCFS and I have seen a lot when it comes to child welfare and maybe my opinion is biased. Nonetheless I DONT TRUST ANYONE. It is sad however in this day and age you must teach your child about certain adult behaviors. When we were socialized we were taught to trust adults. I dont teach my child that. I teach her behaviors to avoid that pediphiles use to manipulate children. She is taught not to have any secrets and always tell mommy what is going on. If she does not want to hug anyone I dont force her or if she does not want to say hello to an adult I respect her right and her space not to do so. I dont care about her being rude to an adult. I rather my child be safe than worrying about hurting someone feelings. If an adult can not understand that logic then they dont need to be near my child. At times I think children can tell when someone is not ideal for then to socialize with however based on our society mores we force our children to do things that are against their instincts. This is how children become victims to predators.
It is not clear to me all what was said by Kevin's comments. I am gleaming that he suggested that pedophiles are homosexual males which initiated your blog.Boy you and Kevin have some interesting conversations. Next time call me.
Your other friend in Chicago.
The owner of this BLOG has way too much time on his hands and drinks way too much "Cherry Coke". Dude, you ran all off into left field somewhere! COMEBACK!
The point I raised to you was this.. You disapprove of "Pedophilia" so do I. At the same time some people disapprove of "Homosexuality" with the same level of disgust. I'm not agreeing with them nor am I comparing the two. I've got two products I would like to suggest.... SANKA Decaf & Caffeine Free Cherry Coke.
Calm down man....
-Kevin C.
I what Kevin???
Oh... as Fran says: where is my Glock!?!
I'll settle this debate!
I'm going to HAVE to get some heavier artillery out...
Some WMD's... LOL ...and blow your world up! LOL
... And what's with "anonymous"?
Man up! Face me, damn it! LOL
It's time to pay the piper! LOL
I see Kevin signed.
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