Saturday, February 17, 2007

A&E - Wedding Wars

Excellent. I watched it twice. I was shocked to see John Stamos portray homosexual, and defend the gay rights/marriage cause. James Brolin was also in the cast.

I phoned Shay and Kevin, to ask them to watch this, when I saw it advertised.

John Stamos' (Shel) portrayal of a homosexual male was delivered true to life, minus the stereotypes (effeminate, flamboyant).
John Stamos' performance made me proud.

His brother's (Eric Dane) unease concerning his brother's homosexuality, and acceptance of him, was interseting watching the evolution progress.

I was yelling at the TV: " Picket Shel"! Fight for our rights!

PS ....And John Stamos is sexy as hell! Eric Dane too... LOL

John Stamos

Eric Dane

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